The boundaries are the epiglottis edge and caudally the inferior side of the cricoid. Three areas are distinguished:
- supraglottis: (suprahyoid) laryngeal, lingual side and free edge of epiglottis, aryepiglottic fold, arythenoid (epilarynx), false cords, infrahyoid epiglottis en sinus Morgagni.
- glottis (vocal folds, anterior and posterior commissure).
- subglottis (0,5 cm below free edge of vocal cords) until inferior side of cricoid.
Squamous Cell Carcinoma (> 90%).
- Differentiation with pre-malignant leasions (sometimes leucoplakia) (mild/moderate/severe dysplasia (=CIS) and hyperplasia).
- In patients with laryngeal cancer. lung cancer is is relatively often seen as a second primary.
In patients with other, rare histologies, treatment has to be individualized (small cell undifferentiated, neuro-endocrine, salivary gland, sarcomas).
Special history / Complaints
- Hoarseness > 3 weeks
- Swallowing complaints > 6 weeks
- Irradiating earache (uitstralend)
- Stridor
- Coughing
- Foetor ex ore
- Neck swelling
- Smoking
- Alcohol
- Meticulous description of tumor extent and metastases.
- Make drawing.
- (In)direct laryngoscopy and stroboscopy.
- In general a direct laryngoscopy under general anesthesia is needed to take biopsies and desribe extent.
- Excisional biopsy only in case of doubt at histology, if needed use CO2 laser for deep biopsies or excision. Transcutaneous cytology sometimes possible. Sometimes biopsy is possible at indirect laryngoscopy.
- CT-scan (thin slices + bonesetting, after contrast, if possible volumetrics, not indicated in T1a)
- US-FNAC (T2-4) see guidelines
- PET-CT (N2b or more advanced, zie richtlijnen)
- Chest X-ray, OPG
- stroboscopy + pictures
- Swallow videofluoroscopy in case CO2 laser is planned in supraglottic lesions
- Dentist
- SLP (logopedie) (phonetography, voice recordings)
Based on clinical laryngoscopy, radiology.
- Tis carcinoma in situ
- T1 tumor limited to one subsite with normal mobility of vocal cords
- T2 tumor extending to more than one subsite or to the glottis, medial wall of s. piriformis or base of tongue, no vocal cord fixation
- T3 tumor limited to the larynx with vocal cord fixation and/or infiltration of the pre-epiglottic space, paraglottic space or post-cricoid area or erosion of the cartillage
- T4a tumor with extension outside the larynx: through cartilage, soft tissues of the neck, thryroid gland, esophagus, deep tongue musculature
- T4b tumor invading prevertebral space, mediastinum or encasement of carotid artery
- Tis carcinoma in situ
- T1 tumor limited to vocal cords with normal mobility
- T1a tumor limited to one vocal cord
- T1b tumor of both vocal cords (only UICC)
- T2 tumor extending to supraglottis and/or subglottis, and/or with impaired mobility of vocal cords
- T3 tumor limited to the larynx with vocal cord fixation and/or infiltration of the paraglottic space or erosion of the cartillage
- T4a tumor with extension outside the larynx: through cartilage, soft tissues of the neck, thryroid gland, trachea, esophagus, deep tongue musculature
- T4b tumor invading prevertebral space, mediastinum or encasement of carotid artery
- Tis carcinoma in situ
- T1 tumor limited to subglottis
- T2 tumor beperkt tot de larynx met uitbreiding naar een of beide stembanden with normal or impaired mobility of vocal cords
- T3 tumor limited to the larynx with vocal cord fixation
- T4a tumor invading thyroid or cricoid cartilage or with extension outside the larynx: through cartilage, soft tissues of the neck, thryroid gland, trachea, esophagus, deep tongue musculature
- T4b tumor invading prevertebral space, mediastinum or encasement of carotid artery
N- en M-classification, stage: see introduction
- TIS Surgery with CO2 laser. Radiotheray in case recurrent or extensive lesionand CO2 has failed
- T1 horisontal/partial laryngectomy with CO2 laser (in case arythenoid is not involved) or radiotherapy
- T2 radiotherapy or in case of limited lesion CO2 laser. In elderly or poor pulmonary function: no CO2 laser.
- T3 accelerated radiotherapy. Bij zeer volumineuze tumoren laryngectomie overwegen (dan ipsilaterale level 2-4 en 6 dissectie)
- T4 chirurgische behandeling, totale larynxextirpatie en ipsilaterale level 2-4 en 6 dissectie. CCRT indien patient TLE weigert.
- Tis Microlaryngoscopisch met instrumentarium of CO2 laser
- T1ab CO2 laser resectie of radiotherapie, afhankelijk van voorkeur patiënt en verwachte stemkwaliteit (zie video T1a en T2)
- T2 radiotherapie, incidenteel CO2 laser resectie
- T3 radiotherapie tenzij indicatie tot tracheotomie bestaat, dan totale larynxextirpatie
- T4 chirurgische behandeling: totale larynxextirpatie + paratracheale dissectie
- T1 radiotherapie
- T2 radiotherapie
- T3 radiotherapie tenzij indicatie tot tracheotomie bestaat dan totale larynxextirpatie
- T4 chirurgische behandeling: totale larynxextirpatie + paratracheale dissectie
Postoperatieve radiotherapie bij irradicaliteit, perineurale groei, subglottische uitbreiding en T4 tumoren.
Indien tumorproces inoperabel: radiotherapie of RADPLAT.
- Indien primair chirurgische behandeling: ipsilaterale halsklierdissectie (niveaus II t/m V). Bij N2c bilaterale nekdissectie (niveaus II t/m V). Vrijwel altijd met postoperatieve radiotherapie.
- Indien primair radiotherapeutische behandeling:
- N1 locoregionale radiotherapie
- N2-3: locoregionale chemoradiatie
- Na chirurgische behandeling van het carcinoma in situ kan bij een beperkt recidief deze herhaald worden of moet in geval van een uitgebreider recidief radiotherapie volgen.
- Na radiotherapie: indien mogelijk chirurgie (CO2 laser, larynxextirpatie, partiële laryngectomie, halsklierdissectie).
- Bij laryngectomie ook halsklierdissectie indien initieel N+, anders alleen paratracheaal.
- Na chirurgie: zo mogelijk heroperatie met (palliatieve) radiotherapie.
- Eventueel cytostatische therapie, bij voorkeur in onderzoeksverband.
- Metastasen: palliatieve chemotherapie/experimentele trial/metastatectomie
Voor het beleid t.a.v. stemrevalidatie en stemprothese zie: Provoxweb