The 12th International Netherlands Cancer Institute Head and Neck Symposium
Diagnosis and treatment of skin cancer of head and neck
Amsterdam, 9-10 April, 2015
Leaflet Skin Cancer Symposium 2015
The twelfth symposium on head and neck cancer in the NKI-AvL is focused on head and neck skin cancers.
Basic science, diagnostics, management and difficulties of primary skin cancer, neck node metastases, surgical (reconstructive) techniques and multimodality treatment will be the main topics.
Case report discussions are included as well.
Lectures and presentations aim at state of the art teaching on novel insights in biology and treatment of head and neck skin cancer.
Who should attend?
The symposium is of importance for both residents and specialists working in the field of otolaryngology, maxillofacial surgery, plastic surgery, dermatology and fellows in training for head and neck oncology and surgery.
International faculty

J.E. Medina, Oklahoma University, USA

O.E. Nieweg, Sydney Melanoma Unit, Australia
Organizing committee
Organizing committee
A.J.M. Balm, M.W.M. van den Brekel, P.J.F.M. Lohuis, B. Zupan-Kajcovski